Sunday, November 18, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
| 5:37 AM
No Comments
Support for Morphing
you are familiar with Area Orion, please show your support. As the
following post indicates, he was threatened with legal action for
morphing a photo. (this is not the first time and I am sure it won't be
the last) The point is, morphing is a niche art that many of us LOVE and
when you receive threatening messages it makes you want to give up. I
love creating morphs and I do so in admiration of the Women, not to
insult them or make them look ridiculous.
If you decide to post in
support of him please do not post anything rude or get nasty towards the models who
have asked to be removed but do let him know how much you appreciate his
Thank you!
Thank you!